I had a very busy year in 2017 teaching and catching up with projects at home and in the hooking world. I have hosted and continue to host hooking at my house every second Wednesday of the month. I am so busy on those days I get very little hooking done and forget to take pictures. I am going to start this thread with July, 2018 and go back to February, which was the last time I reported.
Teacher workshop in Eugene, Oregon, was very pleasant. I had a show and tell of a footstool I did. It is a Kim Nixon pattern called Goddess. I changed the face and made her more mature with white hair. I put more lines in the tulips. On the end tulip I made a center in it and added more lines I found a skirt I had for my inspiration for the flowers. I think I channeled the 1970's for this pattern.
I also taught a class in architecture and perspective. Laura Pierce did the patterns. I had the log cabin or settlers cabin. It is an actual cabin in the Appalachian mountains. I changed it up a little by making it a cabin found in the Olympic Forest. I added the words and a couple fir trees in the background. I also hooked it like a poster. I had my husband make a frame for it. I ended up liking it.
Here are other three that went with the day's instruction. They all turned out well. That is because there are talented people at Western.
I did finish my daisy pattern from last year's workshop. I did struggle with it but it is always good because the learning curve is healthier.
Here are pictures of the group in May and June at my house.
Last time we saw Linda who moved to California.
Judi's portrait.
Katie and Carol are making crochet rugs from sheets, etc.
Cheryl finished her granddaughter's rug but this was the progress. I forgot to take a picture of the finished piece.
These are 3-D stuffed and hooked front and back piece I made this last year.
They are all available as patterns.
Took a small jewelry class ast the Barn.
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